RAK811 Wisnode


The RAKWireless RAK 811 is low-cost lora node board based on the SX1276 semtech module and a STM32 host. It has an AT command based firmware running on it out of the box that supports a wide variety of operations. The board can be used along with an Arduino UNO as well via the serial port . Figure 1 shows the RAK WisNode LoRa with RAK 811 module.

Figure 1: WisNode RAK811 LoRaWAN developer module, from RAK Wireless. (Image courtesy of RAK Wireless, 2017)
Figure 1: WisNode RAK811 LoRaWAN developer module, from RAK Wireless. (Image courtesy of RAK Wireless, 2017)

Board Jumper Settings

When using with the PC have the jumper between CRX - TXD and CTX - RXD as in the pic above. If your using with an arduino have the jumper between TXD - RX and RXD - TX.


Getting Started

Depending on where you sourced your RAK811 evaluation board from (and when), you may need to upgrade its firmware, to use a recent AS923 firmware version. Upgrading the firmware of your RAK811 is easiest using a Windows-based computer, so that you can use the utility provided by ST Microelectronics. If using Mac OSX or GNU/Linux, and you have a working Windows virtual-machine image available, then this can be easily used as well.

When you have a suitable version of AS923 firmware running on your board, then you can connect to it using a USB serial-port connection. This will be required to configure the board to use OTAA when joining Spark’s network, and then to actually join, and beginning sending and receiving data.

Update the Firmware

Depending on the type of module, it may be using a firmware for EU868, US915, etc. You need to install an AS923 firmware image. RAK Wireless has a firmware available for this module running AS923. The latest (AS923) firmware image, a (Windows-only) utility for flashing the RAK811, and instructions for updating the firmware, can be found at the following locations:

Once you have the downloaded the firmware, the ST Microelectronics Flash utility, and then upgraded the firmware to a suitable AS923 version then you are ready to provision and connect your RAK811.

AS923 Firmware and RAK811 Setup

Make sure that you have updated to a firmware image for Spark’s AS923 LoRaWAN, and you will also need to be sure to set the device to AS923 during provisioning.

Provisioning the RAK811

We provide general instructions for device-provisioning using ThingPark Wireless, and you will be required to have (and enter) some values that are specific to your device, and its configuration:

to complete this process.

Connect Device

Figure 2 shows how the jumpers should be set to configure your device for communication with your computer, using (UART serial over) USB.

Figure 2: RAK811 LoRaWAN module configured for serial-port communication using a USB connection to your computer. (Image courtesy of RAK Wireless, 2017)
Figure 2: RAK811 LoRaWAN module configured for serial-port communication using a USB connection to your computer. (Image courtesy of RAK Wireless, 2017)

With your board set up (as shown), then use the following instructions, depending on your computer’s Operating System (OS):


We use the Tera Term terminal emulator, whereas the RAK Wireless guides use the CommUart Assistant v3.8 utility, to communicate with your RAK811 using a USB serial-port connection:

and you will need to determine the correct COM port, and configure it appropriately.


As of this writing, the device driver for the RAK WisNode LoRa is not included on mac book pro so you need to manually download and install it.

First, you need to have homebrew to install the driver. (https://brew.sh/) Then execute the following commands

With your board set up (as shown in Figure 2), then perform the following steps:


With your board set up (as shown in Figure 2), then launch a new command-line terminal. Then from the command-line, start a suitable terminal emulator, for example:

assuming that you WisNode RAK811 enumerated as /dev/ttyUSB0.

Adding a user to the dialout group:

and you will have to restart your session for the changes to become active.

The RAK811 requires both carriage-return (CR) and line-feed (LF) characters to be sent, to mark the end of an AT command. You will likely have to set you terminal emulator up to generate the LF, as this is not standard – minicom allows you to generate these explicitly by pressing CTRL-M, followed by CTRL-J.

RAK811 Configuration

The following setup guide is based heavily on that from:

  1. Firstly, enter:

to enter into device-setup mode, and where the > represents AT commands that you will need to enter, and the rest of the lines are the expected output.

  1. Then query/check the RAK811’s DevEUI:

where 3037343644357402 is an example of a device’s DevEUI.

  1. Now you will need to set a AppEUI and an AppKey (and make sure that they match the values that were used during provisioning), for example:

and these values will work, and they can be changed later, by entering device-setup mode again.

If you have completed the provisioning steps, then you should now be able to connect to Spark LoRaWAN and begin sending & receiving messages.

Network Join and Messaging

To issue a JoinRequest MAC command, to initiate a network-join procedure, then enter the following AT command:

and upon a successful join, you can now begin to send messages:

where the first at+send gives the basic form of the transmit command, and then the second at+send is an example that will transmit 00aa5500 to the ThingPark Wireless LRC1, and on to you Application Server if you have set one up.

The response that you will receive; e.g., at+recv=2,0,0 above, will depend on what the LRC sends to your end-device. Use Wireless Logger to see the message-trace for what was processed by ThingPark Wireless, and Wireless Logger can be an invaluable tool for diagnosing problems with LoRaWAN end-devices.

Using the command-line; e.g., using Mac OSX or GNU/Linux, it is straightforward to send downlinks to your RAK811; e.g., using the curl utility. E.g.,

Now that basic AT-modem functionality is working, you may want to try out some RAK811 demo projects. We also have information for getting set up to develop AS923 firmware, for several toolchains and development environments.

Page Links

For convenience, the useful links have been gathered together:

  1. LRC is an acronym for “Long Range Controller”, which is Actility’s name for their LoRaWAN Network Server (NS).